- De tävlande ska dansa limbo i tron om att limbostången är strömförande. Men vad de inte vet är att det inte finns någon stång. Först ut är 21-årige bartendern Marcel som är segerviss.
- Flame on! Gav and Dan mess about with over-cranked lighters. Then dan sets his hand on fire to produce a gnarly hadouken style fireball. What a lunatic.
Filmed at 1000fps like an absolute PRO (40x s
- Rucka Rucka Ali's latest song: Jews and Faggots
Was originally released on 7/November/2011
Not intended for hate speech, just for jokes, if anything is true in this video, then it is purely coinci
- Diablo III is an action role-playing game that takes place on Sanctuary, a dark fantasy world.
You play a hero who engages in fast-paced combat that tests your reflexes and rewards tactical decisio
- "Funny Little World" Lyrics:
Suddenly I'm famous,
and people know my name.
I've got a thousand girls just waiting,
and therefore it's a shame
that my heart has been captured
by your funny little