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- 2# MGS V: Ground Zeroes (PS4) Walkthrough/Playthrough PARENTING BY BIG BOSS!!! brought to you by AkillesOfSweden. In this episode we try to rescue Chico and Paz. Find out if we succed in this video :D
- 3# MGS V: Ground Zeroes (PS4) Walkthrough/Playthrough SNAKE GOT A BIG GUN!!! brought to you by AkillesOfSweden. In this episode I try to find Paz. That little bitch wasn't at the same place as Chico s
Hacker Killer!
- This is our first video to be uploaded onto youtube and wer'e actually going to shoot another tomorrow, named something like "Detention Escape" but wer'e not completely sure yet.
And, the editing o
- 3# Let's Scream! Slender: The Arrival RANDOM MAP?! brought to you by your favorite(?) commentator Akilles of Sweden. In this episode I will try to finish our mission of collecting 8 pages. But on my w
- 3# Let's Play Titanfall (Militia) RODEO CLOWN!!! brought to you by AkillesOfSweden, In the third episode of this lets play series I am gonna try a different weapon that I unlocked before. The smg is p
- "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 2," is the final adventure in the Harry Potter film series. The much-anticipated motion picture event is the second of two full-length parts.
In the e
- 6# Let's Scream! Slender: The Arrival ENDING!!! brought to you by Akilles of Sweden. We have finally come to the end of this series. It has been an epic journey with alot of jumpscares and chaos. But