- Vinnaren in kinesiska Talang blev en armlös man som kan simma, sjunga, spela piano etc utan sina armar. Hans namn är Liu Wei. Sköna citat från honom:
"I have two options - I can die as fast as possib
- All those classic cartoon themes in one single medley! The nostalgia will overcome you as FreddeGredde takes you on a journey back to being a child.
* Chords: http://freddegredde.com/index.php?link
- DOWNLOAD THE MP3: http://tinyurl.com/StereotypesSong
Lyrics and vocals by Ray Johnson
Beat by Kurt Hugo Schneider
I did NOT get the Sco
- DOWNLOAD THE MP3: http://tinyurl.com/ZombieLoveSong
Lyrics and vocals by Ray Johnson
Produced by Atomic Beats
You don't know me,
- Fortfarande min syster!
Texten går såhär :
I left my heart wide open, wide open for you.
But you didn't care, you left me there all by myself.
You left me there all by myself, with a broken