- Om du nångång vill köpa dig ett par verktyg till hemmet så ska du titta på denna video. Det är ju en bonus också att det är snygga tjejer som visar hur maskinerna funkar.
- Screw ethanol, crazy inventor created a car that runs directly on corn - and spits popcorn out of the back. There's only one problem, in order to start, it needs a few gullible people to push it. Also
- The good ol' crushing a car into a metal cube prank never gets old. Victims are asked to keep an eye on a car for a few seconds but the meter maids are police, judge and jury in this town - they won't
- It's usually good manners to hold the elevators for the others, except when they show up with a casket containing a dead man. From the looks of it, this particular scenario seems quite effective at sc