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- Ryska miljardären Alexander Lebedev, som äger två ledande brittiska tidningar, slog en man i ansiktet under en tv-debatt om den finansiella krisen.
Övrigt 20 sep 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 2 923  
The Ellen DeGeneres Show - Great Moments #1 04:15
- *** Congratulations, Mrs. DeGeneres & Mrs. de Rossi! Best of luck to you both :) I'm sorry for the audio, I don't know why it jumps in volume at some point, it doesn't in the actual file :/ ["
Coolt 27 sep 2010   Av: Theyoutubeman   Klick: 3 327  
Learn how to solve a rubik's cube 16:39
- I can teach you how to solve this world renowned puzzle so you can go and show off to your friends. Give it a try, you won't regret it! Here are the actual typed formulas for the third layer:
Tutorials 6 dec 2013   Av: Rosinco   Klick: 3 570