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The American Dream Film-Full Length 29:55
- En kortfilm om Amerika
Animerat 4 sep 2011   Av: jojjannes   Klick: 3 835  
- En giraff fastnar i guicksand och går igenom fem olika faser. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptence.
Animerat 6 dec 2006   Av: Jesper   Klick: 23 033  
The Golden Gate Bridge Suicides ( Full Version: 1hr 34m ) 94:24
- Filmmaker Eric Steel was shocked when he first read that an average of 20 people kill themselves by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge every year. He was also amazed by the lack of effort to prevent
TV-klipp 28 jun 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 2 332  
Psychostick Sadface :( 03:28
- Sad face from Psycostick's new album Space Vampires Vs Zombie Dinosaurs Lyrics: I read the other day that Bob was sad because his girlfriend was talking to her ex when she found that he had sex
Coolt 28 aug 2011   Av: Brynte95   Klick: 2 637